>mfw I broke Aegisub
... So let me tell you a story. Got the retime for this ep done, no worries apart from some awkward keyframes in the middle of dialogue. S'all good thus far. Today I start rocking the TS, a fair few lines, as you'd expect from a SHAFT anime. After all my alt-tabbing to watch K-Pop groups is over (<3 SNSD), it takes me around 4-5 hours to get it all just as I want it (I'm pretty OCD with my tags). I'm about to insert the illustrator's name on the very last screen, I need a line break so I hit Shift-N for my nice capital N, and then Enter. Except I actually hit CTRL-N and then Enter.
There's a few seconds where my heart catches in my throat and I think I've just gotten rid of all my typesetting. I just... freeze. Then my brain engages and tells me Aegi has autosave, please let it have autosaved... It had. Seriously, it's a feature I don't even think about, but it just may have saved my life.
This episode is dedicated to the guy who decided to include an autosave feature in Aegisub. I salute you!
480: Torrent | FS | MU
720: Torrent | FS | MU
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