In a bit, yo.
So, I'm leaving BTN. Whether or not it means the end for the group, I have no idea. But I'm going to be selfish and be the bad guy... If it does mean the group folds, I think only one person is going to be all that bothered to be honest, and he has my apologies.
You may (or may not) know that half our staff work for another fansub group. That's the group that takes up all their time, and let's be honest here fellas, that's the group they actually give a shit about. I was also in that group for a time, and found it full of asshats and leeches, people who just hung around doing fuck all for the group and generally trolling. That's probably an apt description of a lot of fansub staff rooms, haha. But yeah, one of the reasons stuff is released so slowly at BTN is because most of their time and effort goes into another group. By doing this, I'm freeing up their time entirely. Oh sure, they'll be like, I can't believe he did that, they may even delete this post, but secretly they'll be pleased.
I can't be arsed with a group where everyone isn't invested in the projects. S'why I left the other group, it's why I'm leaving this group and leaving fansubbing altogether. Subbing is fun for a while, if you meet the right bunch of people with similar ideas to your own. Everyone has their own agenda though, it makes me sad panda. I learned a lot about the process, but I think I'm just gonna go back to watching anime. I enjoy a series a lot less if I've worked on it. So, I'm not gonna work no' mo'.
Sorry for the guys STILL waiting on SZS 07, it's at QC, I finished my bits, like, last week or somesuch. Dunno if there'll be an 08. Feel free to blame me for stuff ^^
You could have at least said something on IRC.
ReplyDeleteFor those few who are following us, we will finish up SZS.
Good to know :D